• Windows OS에서 Hugo / hugo-tranquilpeak-theme 테마를 설치합니다. (Update: Dec 15, 2019)


  • OS: Windows 10 (x64)
  • Browser: Google Chrome
  • Hugo: v0.61.0 (windows/amd64 BuildDate: 2019-12-11T08:29:13Z)
  • Hugo theme: hugo-tranquilpeak-theme (0.4.7-BETA)

Install Hugo theme

  1. Install Hugo theme, hugo-tranquilpeak-theme

    Git clone: hugo-tranquilpeak-theme.git

    S:\Hugo\blog> cd themes
    S:\Hugo\blog\themes> git clone https://github.com/kakawait/hugo-tranquilpeak-theme.git
    Cloning into 'hugo-tranquilpeak-theme'...
    remote: Enumerating objects: 5026, done.
    remote: Total 5026 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 5026
    Receiving objects: 100% (5026/5026), 17.10 MiB | 1.28 MiB/s, done.
    Resolving deltas: 100% (2721/2721), done.
    Updating files: 100% (197/197), done.
  2. Copy & edit config.toml file

    ; Hugo\blog\theme 폴더 하위에서 example file(config.toml) 을 Hugo\blog 로 복사하여 수정합니다
    *need to edit the languageCode for Korean

    S:\Hugo\blog>cp themes\hugo-tranquilpeak-theme\exampleSite\config.toml config.toml
    S:\Hugo\blog> more config.toml
    baseURL = "https://010000.github.io/"
    languageCode = "ko-kr"
    defaultContentLanguage = "en-us"
    title = "010000 logbook"
    theme = "hugo-tranquilpeak-theme"
    disqusShortname = "010000"
    # googleAnalytics = "UA-123-45"
    paginate = 7
    canonifyurls = true
  3. Run hugo on local drive

    ; hugo server -D

    • -D option 사용으로 내부(localhost)에 브라우저에서는 작성중인 초안(draft) 문서도 같이 볼 수 있습니다
    s:\Hugo\blog> hugo server -D
    Building sites  WARNING: calling IsSet with unsupported type "string" (string) will always return false.
                       | EN-US
      Pages            |    48
      Paginator pages  |     0
      Non-page files   |     0
      Static files     |    11
      Processed images |     0
      Aliases          |    17
      Sitemaps         |     1
      Cleaned          |     0
    Built in 207 ms
    Watching for changes in s:\Hugo\blog\{archetypes,content,data,layouts,static,themes}
    Watching for config changes in s:\Hugo\blog\config.toml
    Environment: "development"
    Serving pages from memory
    Running in Fast Render Mode. For full rebuilds on change: hugo server --disableFastRender
    Web Server is available at http://localhost:1313/ (bind address
    Press Ctrl+C to stop
  4. 브라우저에서 확인
